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5 Signs That You Might Be a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry

July 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — hbperiodontics @ 6:24 pm
Child at the dentist’s office receiving sedation dentistry.

For some people, going to the dentist can be quite stressful; in fact, many individuals end up prolonging or putting off dental care entirely because they’d rather be anywhere else in the world than the dentist’s office! If this describes you, don’t fret—your situation can be helped! Sedation dentistry allows patients to receive the dental care they need without any of the usual fuss, fear, or hassle. Keep reading to learn more from your sedation dentist in Huntington Beach about five things that indicate you might be the perfect candidate for sedation dentistry.

1. Going to The Dentist Makes You Anxious

One of the most common reasons for patients seeking sedation dentistry is dental-related anxiety. It’s estimated that between 9% and 15% of Americans forgo dental checkups because of their nerves! However, with sedation options ranging from nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to IV sedation, there are tons of ways that your dentist can make the experience more comfortable for you. These options are all safe and will only be administered upon your dentist’s approval.

2. Dental Work Is Typically Painful for You

For people with sensitive mouths, going to the dentist can sometimes be a little painful and unpleasant. However, sedation dentistry can ensure that you don’t feel a thing throughout your visit! This is also ideal for patients who experience difficulties when trying to remain seated in the dental chair, as well as patients with TMJ disorders who struggle to keep their mouths open.

3. The Sights & Smells of the Dentist’s Office Bother You

Sometimes all of the sights, sounds, and smells of the dentist office can make a patient feel uneasy or disturbed. Sedation dentistry helps patients to tune out all of the outside, bothersome stimuli and remain at ease throughout their treatment. For patients with sensitive gag reflexes, the deep state of relaxation helps with the discomfort caused by the poking and prodding of dental tools.

4. You Want to Be Sedated, But Not Fully Knocked-Out

There are varying degrees of sedation, ranging from minimal to general anesthesia, where you’re completely unconscious. Oral sedation is usually moderate, meaning that you’ll be awake but will feel relaxed or groggy. This is great for patients who prefer to remain conscious throughout their procedure, as well as patients who have a fear of needles!

5. You Plan to Have a Long Procedure

Most people can tolerate a bit of pain or discomfort for a short procedure or visit, but for longer and more intensive procedures, oral sedation is a fantastic option. It allows patients to remain comfortably seated as their dentist works. Processes like root canal therapy or TMJ treatment can sometimes several hours to complete, but sedation ensures that you’re relaxed and capable of handling a longer chair time.

If you’re curious about sedation dentistry and believe you might be a good candidate, talk with your dentist about their available sedation options. Sedation dentistry has many benefits that are certain to make your next dental visit relaxing and painless.

About the Practice

The team at Huntington Beach Periodontics is honored to serve patients and families in the area under the leadership of Dr. Justin Braga. Dr. Braga has over 15 years of experience in dentistry and his practice is pleased to offer several available services including sedation dentistry. If you have any questions or concerns about sedation dentistry or would like to schedule a visit, feel free to contact Dr. Braga through his practice’s website or by phone: (714) 587-9084.

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