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This February, Learn How Gum Disease Treatment Can Potentially Save Your Life

February 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:44 pm
Smiling man at the dentist after getting gum disease treatment

When you think of February, you probably think of Valentine’s Day (or maybe leap year, since we have one in 2020!) But February is also Gum Disease Awareness Month, so it’s a great time to learn about the serious impact this condition has on your oral and overall health. And since it’s estimated that 65 million Americans have some form of gum disease, chances are that you or someone you know is affected. Unfortunately, the consequences are far worse than just bleeding gums, but with gum disease treatment in Huntington Beach, you can maintain your smile and general well-being at the same time. Learn more below!

How Does Gum Disease Affect You?

Gum disease destroys the gum tissue and underlying bone that keep the teeth in place and is actually the leading cause of tooth loss. 

It also affects your general health in surprising ways. Countless studies have found it increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, certain cancers, pregnancy complications and more. 

What Are the Signs of Gum Disease?

The most common symptom in the first stage of gum disease, called gingivitis, is bleeding gums in Huntington Beach (especially after brushing and flossing). You may also notice swollen or tender gums. Gingivitis can usually be reversed with regular cleanings and good oral hygiene habits.  

However, if it’s left untreated, it often progresses to later stages and can no longer be reversed or cured. Symptoms then include moderate or severe bleeding, chronic bad breath, receding gums, loose teeth, and pain when chewing. And while it can’t be cured, advanced gum disease can be managed to keep it from getting worse. 

If you notice any of these symptoms, be sure to see a periodontist for an exam. With several years of additional training after dental school, they have the advanced techniques needed to effectively treat this condition. If you are diagnosed with gum disease, they’ll recommend the best treatment for your needs. 

Effective Gum Disease Treatment From a Periodontist  

Here are several options for gum disease treatment, all of which greatly lower your risk of tooth loss and the many health problems mentioned above:   

  • Scaling and root planing with a soft-tissue laser – This procedure is usually done in 2 to 4 visits and is sometimes called a “deep cleaning.” After your gums have been numbed, the plaque, tartar and bacteria under your gumline are thoroughly removed. And when a soft-tissue laser is used, it allows for greater accuracy and precision, less bleeding and discomfort, and also faster healing. 
  • Periodontal maintenance – These ongoing cleanings are specially designed for people with gum disease. They’re often recommended every 3 to 4 months and are crucial for maintaining your progress after scaling and root planing. 
  • Osseous surgery – This is a good option for advanced gum disease where much of the supportive bone around the teeth has been lost. After removing unhealthy gum tissue, a periodontist then reshapes your bone to give your teeth adequate support.

Gum disease affects you in serious ways from head to toe. But by seeing a periodontist for treatment, you’ll not only stay healthier but also maintain your smile for life. 

About the Author

Dr. Justin Braga is a board-certified periodontist in Huntington Beach and a graduate of the University of Southern California. As a specialist in gum health, he’s uniquely qualified to minimize the risks associated with gum disease and offers multiple treatment options to fit everyone’s needs. If you’d like to know more about gum disease or have any questions, he can be reached via his website.

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